Scalability and sustainability are no longer just catchwords for software systems applied to process and to manage certain leakages and any data related to measurement procedures on pipe sections or entire networks. The WaterCloud system has turned such requirements into reality.
AZA-OAD and WaterCloud
Take it in a cloud!
Monitoring a section acoustically by means of wireless data transmission – AZ Wireless Zone Monitoring – has set a new benchmark for the network servicing business. At a leakage spot, the outpouring water generates a particular noise which travels on the water pipe. The noise-borne data can be picked up, evaluated, and saved by radio data loggers.
The shorter the distance is between the source of the leakage-borne noise and the location where the noise is picked up (e.g. valves, hydrants, water meters, or other fittings), the clearer and more intensive is the received signal. Radio data loggers are perfectly well suited to record such data.
The handy F.A.S.T. radio data logger considerably reduces the time required to locate a leakage spot as acquiring and evaluating the data on a regular basis enables the service team to detect any leakage at a very early stage. If the entire network section has been equipped with transmitters, one operator can check between 220 km and 350 km of supply pipes per day. The mobile unit (maintenance van, etc.) passing by acquires the data transmitted by the individual loggers by means of wireless technology, and the measurement results are displayed acoustically and optically indicating the exact location of a leakage spot. The operator then can interpret the data.
The mobile receiver unit supports the operator by determining the leakage status on the basis of the acquired measurement data and by indicating the results to the operator.
Of course, permanent operation of the AZ wireless loggers generates a great deal of measurement data, which cannot be saved entirely by the mobile receiver. Normally, the receiver is capable of saving such measurement data for a maximum of 21 days and of calculating the leakage status accordingly. Therefore, the measurement data needs to be filed in order to have the data at hand when required.
It is also reasonable graphically to prepare the data and to compare the results for a better overview concerning the noise level development at the particular logger locations. Furthermore, the leakage status, which results from the evaluation of the measurement data, must be visualized for the operator’s convenience.
„Unaccounted for Water - Integrated water loss management - Pressure Management - Zone Measurement - District Metering - Night Consumption Analysis - Integrated Pipeline Analysis - Leak Detection Surveys, etc ...„
These are some of the keywords of today whenever water loss reduction is discussed. To effectively optimize and make use of the many available leak detection tools currently being offered , the need for a device to bring these tools together becomes necessary and desirable. For this purpose F.A.S.T. has combined the current technologies into a PC directed mobile and GPS/GIS supported device. The new LMS (LeakMasterSystem) is built by combining several or all of the following F.A.S.T. products:
ZM Night flow analysis
AZ LEAKMASTER Acoustic zone measurement
DRULO II Pressure management
LOKAL 200 PC Digital 3 Point FFT correlation
GPS Supported data collection and archiving
GIS Based networks maps for display archiving
Test us!
This Watercloud demonstration software will give you the lead. Get comprehensive insight into the system and its functions and applications. Watercloud is the new generation of water loss management technology. The system supports the analysis and the evaluation of your measurement data and enables you to centralise all such data with worldwide access any time.
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